All Interview
Client and Programs
C Sharp
How many way you can pass parameter to a method
Value, Reference and Dynamic Types
Abstract Sealed and Interface
Structure and Class
Access Specifier
Boxing and UnBoxing
What is the difference between arrays and collection
What is difference between constants and read-only
What is the difference between is and as keyword in C#
What is the difference between dynamic type variables and object type variables
What is implementation inheritance and interface inheritance
Can you store different types in an array in CSharp
Reverse each word in a string
Sort the elements of the array in descending order
Is it possible to execute two catch blocks?
What are circular references
Multiple Answer
Which statement are correct about Abstract classes in Dot Net
Which statement is true about sealed classes
What are queues and stacks
What is the difference between dispose and finalize methods in c#
Difference between String and Stringbuilder
Difference between Throw and Throw ex
What is serialization
Can “this” be used within a static method
What’s the difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone()
What is StackTrace
Can you declare the override method static while the original method is non-static
Can you override private virtual methods
Can you allow class to be inherited, but prevent the method from being over-ridden
Static datamember should be initialized inside the constructor. True or False
A constructor can be private. True or false
What is "this" pointer
Can we have an abstract class without having any abstract method
Can we have multiple main method in one cs file
If the function has same parameter but different return type(int and float), Is it a overloading
Default Access Modifiers in C#
Extension methods
Class in JavaScript
Class in TypeScript
What is the default access modifier of a class
What do you mean by partial class in OOP
Difference between Object and class
Object in JavaScript
Object in TypeScript
Property in JavaScript
Property in TypeScript
Method in JavaScript
Method in TypeScript
Constructor in JavaScript
Constructor in TypeScript
What is Copy Constructor
Can a constructors that is declared withina base class, inherited by subclasses
Inheritance in JavaScript
Inheritance in TypeScript
Encapsulation and abstraction
Encapsulation in JavaScript
Encapsulation in TypeScript
What is early binding and late binding or Difference overloading and overriding or static and dynamic binding
Polymorphism in JavaScript
Polymorphism in Typescript
What is this keyword in JavaScript
What are undeclared and undefined variables
What is Closer
Self executive functions
What is Prototype
What does UNION do? What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
List and explain the different types of JOIN
What will be the result of the query below
How many rows will be displayed in the result of the following SQL query
Write a query to fetch values in table test_a that are and not in test_b without using the NOT keyword
What is an execution plan
List and explain each of the ACID properties that collectively guarantee that database transactions are processed reliably.
What is a key difference between Truncate and Delete
How can you select all the even number records from a table? All the odd number records
What are the NVL and the NVL2 functions in SQL? How do they differ
What is the difference between the WHERE and HAVING clauses
Difference between Stored Procedure and Function in SQL Server
What is Trigger
What is SQL Server Profiler
Transaction in SQL Server
Get identity of inserted row
Temp Table
Difference between CTE and Temp Table and Table Variable
What is CTE
Different types of temporary table in SQL
SQL Quiz
Find 2nd highest salary using CTE
Find 2nd highest salary using not in or <> operator
SQL Query to find Max Salary from each department
Write SQL Query to find duplicate rows
Find Average
How do you find all employees which are also manager
Correct SQL Query
Write SQL Query 1
Write SQL Query 2
Write SQL Query 3
Write SQL Query 4
Write SQL Query 5
Comparing cursor vs. WHILE loop
Design Pattern
What is Singleton Pattern
Differences between Hash table and Dictionary
What is Domain Driven Design and Development
What is MVP pattern
Explain MVC design pattern
What is MVVM pattern
Observer Pattern
Factory Pattern
Repository Pattern
Angular 1
What are Modules in AngularJS
What is interceptor
Explain AngularJS boot process or How AngularJS is initialized automatically
What is manual bootstrap process in AngularJS or How AngularJS is initialized manually
Quiz: Bootstraping
How to create custom directives in AngularJS
What is the difference between $scope and scope
Quiz: Directive
CodeIT: ng-repeat Excercise
Provider and DI
How does DI benefit in Angular
What is provider
Difference between Factory, Service and Providers
What is the difference between Factory and Service
What is Constant
What is Value
Quiz: Provider and DI
CodeIT: Write Constant
CodeIT: Create and Inject Value
CodeIT: Create Simple Servie
CodeIT: Create Simple Factory
CodeIT: Create Simple Provider
Angular Routing
How to implement routing in Angular
How to go to another view and how we read the parameter
What is use of routeProvider in AngularJS
Quiz: Routing
Code: Configure route provider
Explain rootScope in Angular
Explain scope in Angular
How to check error validation for a specific field
What is $digest
What is $apply?
What is a $watch?
List a few ways to improve performance in an AngularJS app.
what is copy in angular
what is $resource
Quiz and Exercise
Construct Parameter
Angular 2
Quiz: What module to import if we want to use ngFor
What is MVC
MVC Application Life Cycle
What is ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC
What is RenderBody and RenderPage
Data Sharing and Communication in MVC
What is ViewData, ViewBag, TempData and Session
How to Persist data in TempData
Action methods and Action Result
Data Annotations and Validation
MVC Filter
HTML Helper
What does App_Start folder contains
Explain Session in ASP.NET Core
MVC LifeCycle Quiz
Layout Quiz
What is REST and SOAP
How to call WEB API in ASP.NET MVC
What is Resource Based Architectures in WEB API
Explain the component in Startup File in Core Project
Quiz: HTTP Status Code
Quiz: What are the different MIME Types
Question: API Routing
Question: Update EF database command
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core
What is Explicit Dependencies Principle
What is Dependency Inversion Principle
What is DI Container or IOC Container
Dependencies Service Lifetimes and Registration Options
Question: get the body of a HTTP Request
MVC and Web API Quiz
Session Quiz
Session Modes Excercise
Setup In-Memory Session Middleware in Asp.NET Core
Setup Sql Server Cache Session Middleware in Asp.NET Core
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How to check error validation for a specific field
How to check error validation for a specific field
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